Monday, February 18, 2013

Safeway Delivers!

One of the first questions I asked myself when I chose to go car-less was: How am I going to buy groceries? 

So I joined the ranks of other urbanites and bought a folding shopping cart. 

It works in a pinch for two- to three-bag shopping sojourns. But for BIG shopping, as my mother used to call it, the folding cart is no bueno. I mean, my kitty alone requires 40 # of cat litter a month not to mention 7# of dry cat food and assorted canned goods. Plastic tires can bear only so much weight.

Safeway to the rescue.

And I do mean to the rescue. After placing at least a dozen orders in the past eight months, the grocery chain gets two thumbs up from me. No complaints at all, which is saying a lot since I'm known as a curmudgeon, especially when it comes to food. 

Here's why I like the service:
* Easy online ordering site
* Flexibility in delivery times
* Friendly and helpful delivery drivers
* Decent choice of products
* Useful coupon/savings program for online shopping (including delivery deals) 

I still enjoy my leisurely strolls through Oakland Chinatown and Alameda Downtown Farmers' Market to buy ethnic condiments, fresh produce, artisan bread and more; And I will forever love perusing the aisles of local gems Berkeley Bowl and Whole Foods for gourmet and/or vegetarian finds. But Safeway fits the bill for everyday household and food needs -- and especially pet supplies. 

Delivery charges vary from $6 to $12. For penny pinchers (like me), save money by choosing a delivery date that is a few days from when you place the online order and allow for a four-hour delivery window. If you want your goods tomorrow and within a two-hour window, you will pay more. 

Some people wince at the delivery fees. I wince at car payments. 

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